Sunday, February 23, 2014

Preparing for D-day

Well today is the day! I am very excited to start a healthy road to fitness bliss. After turning 25, I realized I am not getting any younger! I would like to get back in to the gym, eat healthy, hold myself accountable and be a role model for others. I have been an avid swimmer all my life and loved to play any type of sports growing up. In order to change my life, it starts with a positive attitude and a dream. That dream becomes a reality and evolves into a habit. HEALTHY HABIT. I am ready to get back into shape and live a healthy conscious lifestyle. Each day I will blog about my life happenings, and what hardships I face and share some tips and motivation to others who are dealing with this winter depression and cant get into the gym. It's time to get healthy people! I will share what I eat each day with pictures and my own recipes! We all are busy, but no excuses anymore. Tomorrow is day one! Wish me luck. 

My promise is to do some form of workout everyday even if it is low key cardio. 

Join me on my journey to a healthy road of happiness. 

*peace n blessings*

Luciana Reichel