Monday, March 3, 2014

Week 2

Goal: progress not perfection. Form over speed.

AM workout: HIT

This morning I did a HIT (high interval training) workout. I did 2 minutes of fast bursts of exercises and then did a minute rest. I remember doing these exercises when I used to play tennis when I was younger and we would do foot drills to quicken our agility on the court. After my interval training I went to do the stair master for 10 solid minutes and did interval training with that. I climber 100 floors in 10 minutes!

**If you have an iPhone, you are able to have the app "nike +ipod" feature. A few years ago I bought a pair of Nike+ running shoes. Underneath the bottom of my sole there was a small compartment where you can place the sensor. The sensor acts as an activity tracker which records how many calories and distance of your workouts. Its really nice to use and you can calibrate it for running or walking.**

For breakfast I had a 1/2 grapefruit, watered down cranberry  juice, regular oats with cranberries, and 2 egg whites 

For lunch I am having some chicken carrots, few grapes, sweet potato fries, sun flower seeds and green tea

Food Cravings

There are a few tips that I will share that might help with food cravings! We all go crazy in between cheat days! We all cant help but drive past burger king or taco bell and wish we could eat that! Don't do it!

1. Drink two glasses of water and some nuts. This fills you up and hydrates you :)

2. Take a power nap; even 20 minutes will help you feel refreshed

3. Plan plan plan! I write down my routine for the  next day and right down exactly what I will be eating and my schedule. I feel more accountable that way

4. My mom told me once cravings last about 10 minutes! This is true! I try to focus on the task at hand or listen to music or meditate. 

5. Brush you teeth; this works almost all time for me. I hate eating right after I brush my teeth so that is one way to fight the cravings. (gum also works!)

6. Visualize your self in a month, 10 pounds less and feeling good! That will help you keep yourself accountable 

7. Eat an apple! this can keep you full for up to 2 hours 

8. Drink Green Tea; this can help you prevent the storage of excess fat all while helping your body improve its ability to burn fat.

Leg Workout:PM 

30 seconds rest between each set

Box jumps..............................10 reps
Squats...................................4 sets of 10
Good Mornings .......................3 sets of 10
Standing Calf Raises................3 sets of 10
Leg Extensions........................3 sets of 10
Seated Leg Curl.......................3 sets of 12
Lunges w/DB...........................3 sets of 10

Stair master 10 minutes 

cool down/stretch

* any questions on my exercises let me know!

Had an excellent day! Finishing up in the sauna! I will barely be able to walk tomorrow.  For an after workout meal I am having a banana and some almond butter! Watching my favorite show "The Bates Motel" new season starts tn! And then I'm going to bed! Enjoy! 

*peace n blessings*

Luciana Reichel

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